Music is Order.
  Out of the void
  Out of chaos
    the creative spirit
    moving over the face
    of the waters.
  Out of the random a rule
  Out of darkness a light
  Out of multitude and muchness
    integrity, the one entire whole and holy.
  -- Robert Shaw

Music is a moral law.
It gives soul to the universe,
wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination,
a charm to sadness,
gaiety and life to everything.
It is the essence of order
and lends to all that is good, just, and beautiful.
  -- Plato

We could call our music something like "neo-Celtic-powered post-industrial electro-acoustic folk-rock with jazz influences and freeform choral structure" -- and wonder what we meant by that -- but it's always more fun to make music than to label it.

WE'RE GOING WEST! We are thrilled to announce that we've been invited to be Guests of Honor at Consonance in 2015! West Coast here we come!!!

Check us out on Facebook and even occasionally on Twitter.

Buy us (or at least our music!) on CD Baby! Click the CD covers below to go straight to our CD Baby pages to listen to clips and buy the CDs. "Dream of a Far Light" will be available Real Soon Now (in the meantime, email us to buy directly from us, or see your local filk dealer).

WILD MERCY: Summer Storm    WILD MERCY: Furious Fancies

Gratitude for Orbits that Intersect Ours
Hosting Provided by Alien Creed
Site Design by Jenna Gates

Band Bios Wild Mercy News Our Philosophy Play Dates